Step by Step Graphical Flow Of DeliveryKing App

Loading Screen

user app
  • User's Application's Splash Screen with App's Logo will be displayed here for 2-3 Seconds. Your logo with your App name will show here.
    app flow
  • Delivery Driver's Application Splash Screen with App's Logo will be displayed here for 2-3 Seconds. Your logo with your App name will show here.
delivery driver app

Introduction Screen

app login
  • User can see the information related to the Application on the Screen.
  • With this Screen, the User can flexibly choose the Language as well as currency of their choice. They can proceed for login or register through this Screen.
    app flow
  • Delivery Driver can see the information related to the Application on the Screen.
  • With this Screen, the Delivery Driver can choose the Language and Currency of their choice flexibly. They can proceed for login or register through this Screen.
app signup

Touch Id / Face ID Login (For Android Phone Users)

Select booking location
  • To activate Smart Login (Finger Print / Face Id), User first need to login/sign up either by mobile number or social media.
  • After login, user can enable smart login option from his profile section of application.
  • After enabling this option, user will see the Smart Login option in the login screen on his Device. Next time Users will be able to login using Finder ID / Face ID.
Social Login Touch ID
  • Android Users can login using the Touch ID from their Mobile Phone.
  • User will be ask to put finger on sensor.
  • Its hassle free and help you to login using Touch Id.
  • Note: To activate Smart Login ( Finger Print or Face ID ), User first need to login/sign up either by Mobile Number or Social Media.

Face Id Detection (For iPhone Users)

Choose Face ID Face ID Detection
  • In case of iPhone device, user will be ask for Face Detection.
  • After successful authorization, user will be taken to main/landing screen.
  • Note: To activate Smart Login ( Finger Print or Face ID ), User first need to login/sign up either by Mobile Number or Social Media.

Application Menu

user app menu
  • Here the User is introduced to all the important features present in the App that include My Profile, Favorite Driver, Wallet, Bookings, etc. to name a few.
    app flow
  • Here the Delivery Driver is introduced to some very important features that can help them operate seamlessly as well as smoothly. This includes My Booking, Wallet, My Profile, etc. to name a few.
provider app menu
  • Parcel Delivery
    Parcel Delivery

    This kind of is Uber for things instead of uber for riders. A person can send anything from Location X to Location Y using this feature. User can send large and small items, single or multiple deliveries right from here through Delivery Carriers available in his range.

  • rent aircraft
    Delivery Runner

    Hire a Runner boy that will do your errand jobs of pickup / Drop / Delivery in your nearby area for you.

  • fast delivery
    Landing screen

    This is the Landing Screen of the DeliveryKing App wherein you will see all types of Deliveries available.

    app process app process manage flow manage process
  • rent aircraft
    Food Delivery

    Here, you see all Restaurants/Stores available and ready to accept an order in your range of X KM/Miles. This section works very similar to Uber Eats.

    Other Story Delivery Types (Grocery, Wine, Pharmacy etc.) will work same as Food Delivery.

  • Delivery Genie
    Delivery Genie

    Order anything from anywhere. User can choose the Store he likes and can add the Items that are needed. Delivery Genie feature is mentioned more below

DeliveryKing APP - Home Screen

delivery genie Add Address
  • User can choose the type of Delivery Service he wants like Food Delivery, Grocery Delivery, Parcel Delivery, Delivery Genie, Delivery Runner, etc... Each type of Delivery Service is described in screens below.

How Does DeliverAll Section Work (Food Delivery, Grocery Delivery, Wine Delivery etc.)

Landing Screen Other Deliveries

    Other Delivery Services

    (Grocery Delivery, Wine Delivery, Stationary Delivery, Pharmacy Delivery etc.)
  • User can also order other Items through Apps like Grocery, Wine, Stationary, Pharmacy etc. The Flow of ordering these Items would be same as Food Delivery mentioned above.

Food Delivery

list of restaurant
  • Here the user gets a glimpse into all the Restaurants/Stores nearby as soon as they provide their location details.
  • Thereafter the user would be empowered to choose the Restaurants/Stores that fall within the vicinity of the location provided by them. The app will present users with a list of nearby Restaurants/Stores and also give them the flexibility to filter their search on the basis of the cuisine and sort the listing thereafter.
  • The Other Categories like Grocery Delivery, Pharmacy Delivery, Wine Delivery, Stationary Delivery would work same as Food Delivery.
  • Here we will have three Apps in picture. User, Delivery Driver and Store. Please check the detailed flow below.

Placing Order for Meal

  • user order dashboard

    User App This section helps the user efficiently place an order for their favourite Meals from the Restaurant/Store of their choice and also get a glimpse into all the Restaurants/Stores that are online.

  • Restaurant /store sliding onine availability

    Restaurant/Store App This app is primarily for the Restaurant/Store Owners. They can set their availability online or offline by simply sliding on the toggle. In case of the Restaurant/Store setting their availability online, they start receiving food requests from the users and in case they set their availability as offiline thereafter they would not receive further food order requests from the customers.

  • Driver set his availability

    Delivery Driver App This app is primarily for the Delivery Driver who delivers the meals to the customer. The Driver can set their availability to online by simply sliding on the Online toggle. Thereafter they start receiving Food Delivery requests and in a situation where they set their availability to offline they do not receive further Delivery Requests.

Steps Users Follow to Order Meals from User App

  • user check Restaurant/Store menu Menu Screen

    Here the user gets a menu of the meals from the respective Restaurant/Store selected by them. User can also see if the Restaurant/Store is following the Best Safety Standards or not.

  • user search food items Search Food

    In this screen the user can search the meals they are in search of.

  • user add food item to basket Add to Cart

    As soon as the user locates the meals they are in pursuit of, they can thereafter add the same to the Cart.

  • user edite food item View/Edit Cart

    This section assists the user to get a glimpse into the meals ordered by them and add anything extra or remove what is unnecessary.

  • user add toppings Select Toppings

    In this screen, the user will be presented with a list of toppings that they can choose from for some of the meals and thereafter customize the meals ordered by them.

  • user confirm order to check out Checkout Screen

    As soon as users have found the meal they are in search of and customized it, they are thereafter moved to the checkout section where they need to confirm the Delivery Address, Delivery Options, and Items. They can also apply coupon (If any).

  • user confirm order to check out Delivery Options

    Here User can select whether he wants to Opt for Contactless delivery at door or Take away.

  • use choose payment method Choose Payment Method (Cash/Card/Wallet)

    As soon as they confirm their purchase, users are asked to choose the payment method they would want to follow to pay for the meals ordered by them, choosing between Cash, Card or In App Wallet.

  • new order details

    Lorem Ipsum content goes here and your ipsum content goes here and Lorem Ipsum content goes here.

After User Places Order

  • order place notification

    Here the user gets notified and informed thereafter that their order has been placed and shall be delivered shortly. The user also gets the Call feature so that they can place a call to the Restaurant/Store to know the exact location of their meals.

  • restaurant app displays order details

    Once the order gets placed, the Restaurant/Store App displays a screen containing the details of Order received. The latest Order will be displayed on top.

  • new order details

Tracking the Order

  • user track the order

    Utilizing this feature, the user can track the meal ordered by them. This order tracking page presents the user with a flowchart. In other words the overall delivery process right from the order getting placed until its delivery is shown here. Also, it helps the user know the exact location of their order and exact time of arrival.

  • total bill amount confirm or decline

    The Restaurant/Store gets the order details and take a look into the same. Thereafter they can confirm or decline the order request as per their choice.

  • order food

Order Assignment to Delivery Driver

  • Restaurant/Store assigns to driver

    As soon as the Restaurant/Store accepts the order request of the user, User can see the status of the Order as "Accepted By Restaurant/Store".

  • Restaurant/Store assigns to driver

    As soon as the Restaurant/Store accepts the order request of the user, they thereafter get presented with a screen containing bill details as well as a button reading ‘Assign Driver’. Upon tapping this button, the request for pickup and delivery gets sent to the delivery driver.

  • delivery driver sees request

    As soon as the Restaurant/Store taps on ‘Assign Drvier’, the request thereafter gets sent to the delivery driver. The delivery driver receives the request in the form of a notification on their app along with a timer.
    Note - The driver ought to accept the order within the timeframe set on the timer, failure of which would lead to the request getting sent to the next driver.

Order Processing

  • user see assigned driver for pickup of order

    The User would get information that a driver has been assigned to pick up their order. The same will be displayed as a progression in the flowchart on the Users screen.

  • Restaurant/Store get notification for driver accept order

    The Restaurant/Store will be notified of the driver accepting the order. This notification will contain the message that the Delivery Driver is enroute on their way to collect the order and will also contain the details of the order.

  • delivery driver see order picup address

    The Delivery Driver will get a view of the current task on their app. This will contain the address of the Restaurant/Store from where the order needs to be collected as well as the address where delivery needs to be made. The section also presents the driver with the Call option so that they can place a call to the Restaurant/Store and a Map to navigate to the Restaurant/Store.

Status of Delivery Driver

delivery driver pickup order
  • The Delivery Driver reaches the Restaurant/Store and thereafter picks the order up. The delivery driver will get a glimpse into the order details so that they can pick the same without any kind of confusion. Thereafter they would take a picture of the order and update on their app as ‘Order Picked Up.’

Last Leg of Delivery

  • user see the status of the driver

    User receives the driver’s status containing their estimated time of arrival and the flowchart gets marked as per the drivers movement.

  • Restaurant/Store track status of order

    The Restaurant/Store will be able to track the whereabouts of the order and find out if the order has reached the recipient or not.

  • driver see the address of the recipient

    After the order gets picked up by the Delivery Driver, they will receive details of the person they have to deliver the meals to. Also, they get the Call option so that they can call the customer to find out the way to reach them and a Map so that they can reach in ease and deliver the meal in considerable ease. Driver here can confirm the Delivery of the Items.

Order Delivered Successfully

order delivered successful

    As soon as the order gets successfully delivered to the customer, it gets updated on the app. The order delivered icon thereafter turns green along with a timestamp for the same and contains the message that the order has been delivered.

    Apart from this, there are two other toggles, namely, Not Delivered and Ok, Got It.

  • Not Delivered

    In case of the driver marking the order as delivered and the customer has yet not received the same, the user needs to simply tap on ‘Not Delivered’ upon which the admin gets notified of the same.
    Note - The customer can place a call directly to the delivery driver also when they tap on this toggle.

  • Ok, Got It

    On receiving the meal, the customer needs to tap on this button so as to confirm they have received the meal.

Advanced Rating Flow for Food Items and Delivery Drivers - User App

  • user rate & review to restaurant & driver

    Order History listing screen will have “Rate Order” button. Tapping on it, 1st Driver will be rated and then Food Items.

  • ratings reviews

    User can rate the Driver. After Star Ratings, User will be asked for details ratings.

  • driver rate & review to customer & restaurant

    User can Rate Driver based on few parameters like Wearing Mask, Uniform, No Contact Delivery etc. User can also add his review in the text box provided.

    After Delivery Driver Ratings, User can review & rate the Restaurant.

    Star Smiley will be displayed according to the selected star ratings.


The Restaurant App is loaded with attractive features. The App menu has different sections relevant to the Restaurant.

  • Restaurant see earning history Earning History

    Restaurant can see his Earning history date wise and can also see the Total number of Orders and Total Earnings.

  • order history Order History

    This Screen will show the details of the orders that have been placed through the app.

  • restaurant manage menu section Manage Food Items / Menu Screen

    This screen will enable the Restaurant to On/Off the Food Item availability.

  • restaurant update document Update Documents Screen

    This is the screen that will allow the Restaurants to update and upload the required documents on the app.

  • restaurant update bank details Bank Details

    The restaurant can update all the banking details for the app on this screen.

  • order statistics Order Statistics

    This screen will show a graphical representation of the total earning and the orders placed.

  • restaurant setting Restaurant Settings

    This screen will allow the Restaurant to micro manage different particulars including average time taken to prepare an order, how many items can be added per user, minimum order price etc. Here Resturant can select the Delivery Driver types they want like "Personal Delivery Driver (if they have their own Delivery Drivers)", Other Delivery Drivers (Marketplace Delivery Drivers)" Or "Both". Restaurant can also set the option of Take Away as Yes or no.

  • restaurant order details Restaurant details

    The Restaurant can set all the details of the Restaurant including Contact Person, Address etc.

  • restaurant set working hours Business Hours - Restaurant Timing

    Here Restaurant can set the timing of his Restaurant and can set in two separate Slots.

  • Manage gallery Manage gallery

    Restaurant can manage his item Image gallery and can upload the Images and Videos to showcase to the customers.


This section will describe the important features of Delivery Driver Application.

  • Driver able to select vehicle to deliver food Get Online

    The driver can get online if they want to start accepting orders for Food Delivery. When they turn themselves online, they will be able to select the vehicle they want to deliver the food on.

  • driver manage vehicle Manage Vehicles

    This is the screen where the Driver can manage all their vehicles from. They can add new vehicles and manage and edit the existing ones. They can also delete the vehicles per their choice.

  • driver edit vehicle page Edit Vehicle Page

    This screen allows the uses to modify the information that the Drivers have uploaded on the app. They can change the make and model of the vehicle along with the vehicle number and year of release.

  • driver select necessary documents Documents

    This page will allow Drivers to select the necessary documents on the app.

  • driver upload documents Upload documents

    This page will enable the drivers to upload the relevant documents like drivers license etc.

  • driver check already delivered order history Order History / Earnings

    This page will allow the users to check the Order History and Earnings.

  • driver see details of address, earning , order Order Details

    This screen shows the driver the particular details of the order such as Pickup address and Delivery address, delivery earning etc.

  • driver fill bank details Bank Details

    This screen enables the driver to fill in all the bank information in the App.

  • driver fill card details Payment Method - Card Details

    The Driver can fill in his card information here. Driver can save his multiple Cards here. Driver need Card payment to add Money in wallet and for Membership package subscription.

  • wallet balance Wallet

    This is the screen that shows the wallet balance. It also allows the driver to add money to the wallet or send money to other Users.

  • driver order statistics Order Statistics

    This screen will show the driver a graphical representation of the orders delivered and earnings made.

  • driver see user feedback User Feedback

    This screen shows what is the kind of feedback that the customers have given him.

  • order delivered successful Reviews and Ratings

    The Delivery Driver can also rate the Customer based on their experience of delivering the Food.

  • order delivered successful Waybill

    The Waybill for the Delivery Driver will be displayed here with all the necessary details.

  • The Waybill for the Delivery Driver will be displayed here with all the necessary details.

How Does Parcel / Courier Delivery Work

multi delivery Landing Screen

Users can enjoy sending any kind of Parcel using this app. Whether it is sending one item form one place to the other or getting multiple items delivered at Multiple Locations, this app has got it all!

single delivery send and box multi delivery send and box
Common Delivery
Single Delivery (Send)

This option can be used by the User when they are willing to send across a relatively smaller item such as an envelope, some files etc. from point A to point B.

Deliver All
Single Delivery (Box)

This option is best for the User when the items to be sent across are bigger in size. For example, the User can use the Box option to send Bags of cement, home furniture etc. from point A to point B.

Select services
Multiple Deliveries (Send)

User can send across multiple files, multiple letters, and multiple items of smaller sizes in a single booking from one pick up location to multiple places.

Taxi and Rental Part
Multiple Deliveries (Box)

This is a great option for the Users who wish to send large and bulky items from one place to Multiple places for example, sending across Multiple Cement bags from the factory to Multiple construction sites.

Single Delivery

choose service categories choose sub categories
    Provide Parcel Pickup location, choose Delivery Vehicle (Single Delivery)
  • User needs to add their location first so as to get connected with the nearest Parcel Delivery Drivers.
  • Upon completing this step, they need to select the Delivery Vehicle like Scooter, Cargo Car, Truck etc..
  • User can choose the payment option as Cash, Card or Wallet.

Add Parcel Details

choose service categories
  • User can add Parcel details like Receiver name, Package type, details etc.
  • User can provide their Special Delivery instructions if any.

Review Delivery Details

choose service categories
  • User can review the Delivery details and can select the option "Responsible for Payment". User will select who is going to make the Payment for the Delivery. Sender or Receiver.
sending request to provider
line of flow

After providing all the Parcel details, a request will sent to nearby Delivery Driver.

Driver now needs to accept the request within the time given in timer.

The request is time bound and thus if the request does not get accepted within the timeslot of the timer, the request gets automatically sent to the next Driver.

Provider accept or decline request

Delivery Driver arriving

choose service categories
  • As soon as Driver accepts request User receives the details of the Driver. User can track the Delivery Driver location on Map.
  • The User can remain connected with the Delivery Driver via calls and messages.
  • The Driver receives the location of the User and can track the pickup location on Map.
  • The Driver remains connected via calls and messages till they arrive.
choose sub categories

Delivery Driver Arrived

job progress
  • Upon the arrival, the Driver confirms their arrival at the location of the User By sliding the Arrive button below
  • Upon the arrival of the Driver, the User gets notified with 'Driver X Has Arrived at Your Location for Parcel Pickup’.
slide to begin job

Parcel Delivery Started

job progress
  • The Driver begins their service and tracks the Delivery location where the parcel needs to be delivered.
  • Upon the Driver arriving and beginning the Delivery process, the User in turn gets notified with ‘Your Delivery Service has Started.
slide to begin job

Parcel Delivered Successfully

job progress
  • Upon the delivery, the User is updated about delivery that 'Your parcel delivery has been completed’.
  • Upon reaching the Delivery Address, the Drivers slides on ‘End’ to confirm the end of the Service.
slide to begin job

Delivery Confirmation

Delivery Confirmation
  • Upon Delivery, Driver can confirm the Delivery by entering the unique code that has been sent to Receiver or getting the receiver sign and confirm .

Invoice Summary

choose service categories
  • Upon the end of Delivery, the invoice gets shared with them.
  • The summary contains the details of the Service provide including its fare, date, discount applied (if any) , fare details and review in order to provide feedback.
  • Invoice will be displayed to Delivery Driver.
  • The invoice contains the total fare, payment type chosen by user. In case of cash, the Driver collects the same from the user. The summary also contains the base fare, distance, time, tax and subtotal of the entire Service provided.
choose sub categories

multi delivery

multiple deliveries option new booking
  • In case of the user wanting to send more than one item to more than one place, they can thereafter choose the Multi Delivery Option. To utilize this service the user needs to select the vehicle type they require for the mentioned delivery.
  • The next step involves providing the pickup address from where the items need to be picked and thereafter provide the location wehre the items need to be delivered. The same would also get displayed on the map and the user would have to simply provide all the required information about the parcel.
details of delivery
  • As soon as the user provides the address for pickup and delivery both, they need to next provide details in relation to the items being sent
  • These details would include the name of the receiver, contact details, special instructions (if any), and details of the item that may include, ‘electronic/fragile’ etc. and package size.
  • With the user providing all the details given above, they need to tap on ‘Deliver Now’ and in case of error made on the part of the user, they simply have to tap on ‘Reset’, thereafter they need to again repeat the steps.
the new booking booking charges
  • The user now needs to tap on ‘Add Delivery’ to add another location for the delivery.
  • On tapping ‘Add Delivery’ they would need to provide details of the address where they want the second delivery to be made and the steps are the same as when done in the first delivery.
  • The user can add multiple delivery stations repeating the same method. Thereafter, the map will show the routes of all the deliveries that have been requested
  • When the User then clicks on “Next” option on the bottom of the screen, he will then be taken to a screen that shows the pricing.
  • The user now needs to tap on ‘Next’ option upon which they would get transported to a screen containing details of the total price.
  • The user gets the payment mode that they can choose from such as cash or card and get the option thereafter to select the person who will make the payment, that is, the sender or receiver.

Delivery Genie

fast delivery at doorsteps
  • To enable a professional delivery expert to buy different items from nearby Stores (Super Markets, Medical Shops, Kids Shops, Pet Store etc.)as per customer’s order & instructions and deliver it to the customer’s location.
  • User can select Delivery Genie option from the landing screen of the App

Select a Store

buy anything Add Address
  • Order anything from any nearby Store. The Delivery boy will shop for you and deliver to your door steps. Eg. You may want to order Water Bottle, Cold Drink, Beer & Cigarettes for a quick party you may have arranged.
  • You can select a Store from your nearby area on the App and put all order detail. The Delivery Driver will receive Order and will go to your selected Store and handpick all items. He will confirm price and detail with you and then purchase the items and deliver to your Home instantly. You will be able to see his location in real time on Map while he is brining items to your home.

Driver App - Set Availability

driver availability
    app flow
  • Driver can login in his App and set his status as 'Online' or 'Offline' as per his availability.

Add Items that you need

Add item name Items list
  • User can make the list of Items that he needs from the selected Stores.
  • One bye one User can add all the Items that he wants and can define the quantity.

Enter your Delivery Address

Select Address ready checkout
  • User can enter his Delivery Address where he want the Delivery of the Items.
  • Here User can also select from the Delivery Addresses that are already saved or can add the new one.

Item and Invoice Details

Select Address ready checkout
  • After adding all the Items, delivery charges will be shown on the Screen.
  • Delivery charges is the fixed amount as per distance between Delivery location and the Store.

Sending Request to Driver

Select Address
  • Use can select the mode of Payment as Card, Cash or Wallet Money.
  • Once User taps on Done button, Driver will receive the Delivery request on his App.
ready checkout

Booking Confirmation

job progress
  • User will receive the confirmation message on this screen once Delivery Driver accepts the request.
  • One Driver accepts the request. It will be added in Current Tasks list.
slide to begin job

Track Delivery

job progress
  • User can see the status of the Delivery on his App and can also see the Driver location on the Map.
  • Driver can reach to the Store and can check the list of the Items needed.
slide to begin job

Upload Item Photos

Manage Vehicles choose sub categories
    app flow
  • Driver can upload the photos of each Item one by one from the Store.
  • These photos will be available for the User to review.

Review Items

Manage Vehicles
    flow line
  • Driver will wait for User's items Approval
    flow of line
  • User can review the images uploaded by the Driver. They can confirm whether the Items they have ordered are same or not.
slide to begin job

Items Picked Up

job progress
  • Once all Products are reviewed, Delivery Driver can further confirm that the Items are picked up from the Store.

Delivered Successfully

Select Address ready checkout
  • Driver can confirm the delivery once he has reached to User’s place and delivered the Products.
  • Once Driver confirms the Delivery, User can see notification on the App that the Delivery has been done successfully.
ready checkout

Reviews and Ratings

job progress
  • User can review and rate Driver and the Store after the Delivery is done.
  • Driver can review and rate User after the Delivery is done.
slide to begin job

Delivery Runner

delivery runner
  • Hire a professional delivery expert who will pickup, drop or deliver things as you want in nearby areas. Eg. Ask him to bring your Laptop from your home that you forgot to bring to the office.
  • User can select Delivery Runner option from the landing screen of the App

Select a Store

pickup or drop
  • Hire a Runner boy that will do your errand jobs of pickup / Drop / Delivery in your nearby area for you.
  • Assume you forgot your Laptop at your Home, the Delivery boy will go to your home, collect laptop from your family, confirm with you and bring to your office.
  • Or you ordered a cake from a nearby bakery and want someone to pick it up for you as you are busy in arrangements of party. The Delivery boy will do the task.
  • He will go to the Bakery as per the instructions you listed in App and pickup the cake that you already paid for earlier. And deliver at your home.
  • You as a User will be able to see the location of the Runner Boy on Map in real time so you know where he is all the time while working on your tasks.
  • Here you can pick up the location from where you want the pickup something.

Driver App - Set Availability

driver availability
    app flow
  • Driver can login in his App and set his status as 'Online' or 'Offline' as per his availability.

Add Items that you need

Add item name ready checkout
  • Here User can select the pickup address and the items that needs to be picked up.
  • Once the details are entered, User can select whether Delivery Driver need to make payment or not at the pickup location.

Enter your Delivery Address

Select Address ready checkout
  • After adding all the Items, delivery charges will be shown on the Screen.
  • Delivery charges is the fixed amount as per distance between Delivery location and the Store.

Sending Request to Driver

Select Address
  • Use can select the mode of Payment as Card, Cash or Wallet Money.
  • Once User taps on Proceed button, Driver will receive the Delivery request on his App.
ready checkout

Booking Confirmation

job progress
  • User will receive the confirmation message on this screen once Delivery Driver accepts the request.
  • One Driver accepts the request. It will be added in Current Tasks list.
slide to begin job

Track delivery

job progress
  • User can see the status of the Delivery on his App and can also see the Driver location on the Map.
  • Driver can reach to the pickup location and check the list of the Items needed.
slide to begin job


Manage Vehicles choose sub categories
    app flow
  • Driver can upload the Photos of each Item / stuff one by one from the pickup location.
  • These photos will be available for the User to review.

Review Items

Manage Vehicles
  • Driver will wait for User's items Approval
    flow of line
  • User can review the images uploaded by the Driver. They can confirm whether the Items they have ordered are same or not.
slide to begin job

Items Picked Up

job progress
  • Once all Products are reviewed, Delivery Driver can mark the status as Items picked up.

Delivered Successfully

Select Address ready checkout
  • Driver can confirm the delivery once he has reached to User's place and delivered the Products.
  • Once Driver confirms the Delivery, User can see notification on the App that the Delivery has been done successfully.
ready checkout

Reviews and Ratings

job progress
  • User can provide reviews and rating for the Delivery Driver.
  • Driver can review and rate User after the Delivery is done.
slide to begin job

Other Features

Send Gift Card

choose service categories choose sub categories
  • Users of the App can send Gift Certificate to their loved ones using the GoJek Clone App.
  • The user needs to select the "Send Gift Card" option.
  • As soon as they choose the option, they will be redirected to the “Send Gift Card” Screen where they can choose a Gift Card Theme (like Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas, etc.), enter the Card Amount, write a Personal Message, and Recipient Details (Name, Email Address, Phone Number).
choose service categories choose sub categories
  • As soon as the User enters the Receiver’s details, they can tap "Pay Now" to proceed with payment.
  • The user can review the Gift Card before making the Payment.
choose service categories choose sub categories
  • User can make Payment using Wallet, Cash or Card.
  • As soon as the payment is completed and the Gift Card is sent to the recipient, Payment Confirmation will appear on the screen.

Receiver's End - Gift Card Details

choose sub categories choose sub categories
  • As soon as the Gift Card is sent, the recipient will receive an SMS and email.
  • The User can see the Instructions for redeeming the Gift Card in the SMS and email.

Redeem Gift Card

choose service categories choose sub categories
  • To redeem the received Gift Certificate, the user needs to go to the ‘My Profile’ section and tap on 'Redeem Gift Card'.
  • Now, the User can enter the Gift Card Code and claim it.
choose service categories
  • The Gift Card Amount will be added to User's In-App Wallet.

Live Tracking of Orders

send push notification send push notification
  • Available on iOS devices only, Live Activity is the feature that enables users to check the status of their food order without opening the app.
  • Users can see the current status of their order on the Lock Screen and as a Notification.
send push notification send push notification
  • The user can see the visuals of the real-time progress of their order, delivery countdown, and the Store’s name.
send push notification send push notification
  • Users will receive prompt status updates as push notifications from the app once the order is delivered to their address.

Restricting Delivery Driver’s Fraud

Manage Vehicles choose sub categories
  • This feature will not allow the Delivery Driver to mark status of Pick up as “Confirm” unless he is in X Meters / Feet distance from the Store Pickup Location.
  • As soon as Driver taps on the "Confirm" button, a message will be displayed on the screen.

Prescription Uploading - User App (For Pharmacy Delivery)

  • user,  Stores, driver edit profile

    Prescription: There are some Medicines that require Prescription. Once those Medicines will be added in the cart, User will have to upload the Prescription for the same.

  • Pickup Location.

    Upload Prescription: This screen allows the user to choose the Prescription from previously uploaded Prescriptions or he can upload the new Prescription.

  • Confirm

    Edit Prescription: User can edit / change the prescription once it is uploaded.

Restaurant Menu Multiple Options/Toppings

  • user, restaurant, driver edit profile
    • User App: Users can select the multiple topping available for the selected Food Item. For example, user has selected the Margherita Pizza. Customer can select the Size as Regular, Medium, and Large.
  • coupon for referrals
    • User App: Customer can select the Base as Thin Crust, Soft Crust and Pan.
  • App support
    • User App: Customer can select the Toppings as Tomato, Onion, Cheese.

Food Item Photo with Video & Multiple Images in User App

Multiple images & Videos
  • Users can see multiple Images / Video of any Item.
  • Store Owner can upload Image(s) or Video of all the Items.

Favourite Location

Multiple images & Videos
  • User can add a favourite location for Food Delivery

Multiple Credit Card Management

Multiple images & Videos
  • All the Users of the App will have facility to add / save Multiple Cards in the App.
  • They can make payment from any Card and can delete if needed.

Internal Chat between User and Delivery Driver

The Delivery Driver and User can communicate with each other through chat once the Delivery Driver accepts job request. This chat however is only possible till the time the job starts.

VOIP based Call masking

This feature eliminates the need altogether for either the Delivery Driver or the User to make their private numbers public to each other. They simply need to place a call over the internet and stay connected with each other.

how app works
working process

Video Call

Along with phone call and text chat option, User and Delivery Driver can also use the Video call option to communicate with each others. This section allows the Driver and the User to remain connected with each other via Video call.

how app works
working process

Day Wise Separate Timeslots for Stores

food junction
  • User can see the day wise timeslots for any Store they have selected.
  • Stores can manage the day wise timeslots from their Application. Stores can select Weekdays and Weekend for Stores as per your region's culture.
set timings

Delivery Helper

Delivery Helper Delivery Helper
  • Feature is available in Parcel / Courier Delivery App. Helper Feature in Parcel Delivery App. A Helper person will come along with a delivery driver to help in transporting the heavy items. Administrator can define Delivery Vehicles with higher Rates where a Helper is available to assist the Delivery Driver for loading and unloading of Cargo/Goods.
  • User can choose the Vehicle type which provides helper with it.
Manage Vehicles choose sub categories
  • There are few Vehicle Types set by the Admin that require helper with it. This is set by the Administrator.
  • Driver can set the vehicles which he has for the Delivery.

One store under several categories (i.e XYZ store can be under Food and Grocery also)

Delivery Helper Delivery Helper
  • Using this features App owner can show each store in more than 1 Categories.
  • For example, A store will show in Food and Grocery Category, it sells Food and Grocery Items. Store will register in 1 Category and later can ask Admin to add him in multirole Categories as it would be doing business in more than 1 Categories.

Free Delivery Promo Codes for Specific Delivery Stores

Manage Vehicles choose sub categories
  • App Owner can set the Promo Code for Specific Stores or for all Stores. Free Delivery Promo code can be ON/OFF.
  • Having this, the Customer will see that Delivery is Free but in real the Store Pays for it as part of promotion.

Location Wise Banners in Store Delivery Components

Cost Manually Cost Manually
  • App Owner will be able to create Application’s Home Page Banner’s Specific to Target Location. User will see Banner according to the Location Address in User Application Home Page Screen.

Location Wise Push Notifications throughout the System

  • App Owner will be able to send Push Notification to all Users of selected Location.


check food mobile numebr verification
  • Firebase Authentication provides backend Services to authenticate users by verifying their phone number. Using this technology, you can avoid verification of User's Phone Number that uses expensive 3rd party SMS.
  • User can enter his phone number and verify.
number verification
  • An OTP will be sent to user on his number for verification.

Membership Subscription Plan

the subscription subscription payment
  • Admin can define the Membership plan for Delivery Driver like 3 Months subscription and 1 Month subscription plan.
  • Delivery Driver can Subscribe for the Plans and can provide the Delivery Services.
my subscription pending subscription
  • The unique feature that will ensure that no Delivery Driver is able to provide their Delivery Services until they have subscribed to the subscription plans present on the Membership Subscription Plan.
  • All that the Delivery Driver Needs to do is enter their Application and then Tap on My Subscriptions.

SKU Code For Store Delivery Items

new order
  • SKU code is added to help Restaurant/Store owners to identify a specific item when order is received.
  • Restaurant/Store would be able to see all the Orders lot with SKU of each Item.
order meal

18+ Age Confirmation

Age Confirmation
  • This feature allows Users to upload their Identity Card for purchase of items that require age proof and get verification done.
  • This is Feature is especially applicable for Store Delivery Service.
  • For Eg.: Liquor Delivery
Select Address ready checkout
  • User need to upload his age verification Identity proof card.
  • He can take the photo or can choose from Phone Gallery,
  • Delivery Driver will verify the Identity proof and deliver the Product.
ready checkout

Order Cancellation by Driver and Store

Order Cancellation Order Cancellation
  • This feature in application in Store Delivery services.
  • A Driver can also cancel the order for any specific reason.
Order Cancellation
  • Driver can choose the reason of the cancellation of Order and then cancel the Order.

Voice Instruction for Delivery Driver

Voice Instruction for Delivery Driver Voice Instruction for Delivery Driver
  • User can send the Voice instruction for Delivery Driver while placing the order.
  • Feature is available in Food & Grocery Delivery App. Customer can leave voice messages instructions for Delivery Drivers.
Delivery Driver
  • Delivery Drivers can then listen to the voice instruction and can follow the delivery process accordingly.

Mark Store as Favourite

order from food junction
  • So, your customer wants delivery from their favourite store? Don’t worry! With the Mark Store as Favourite feature present on the app of your customer, they can order the items from the stores they feel is the best by simply marking it as a favourite.
  • This feature will make sure that your customers are always happy when they wish to enjoy items from the store whose delivery they may have liked in the past.

Graphical Status of Job in App Notification

Voice Instruction for Delivery Driver
  • This feature shows status of booked Jobs to User via Graphical Icons as in App Notifications.

Wallet to Wallet Money Transfer

pay bill transfer money
  • Looking for a seamless way to make payments easy for your customers and assist the Delivery Drivers to receive the money directly in their wallet. Then, the wallet-to-wallet money transfer feature will turn out to be a blessing in disguise for your Users and Drivers.
  • Through the pre-integrated wallet present, your customers can smoothly make payment through their wallet and have it sent to the Delivery Driver’s wallet especially if they do not have the change for the services that they have booked.
enter code pay successfully
  • All that they would need to do is select from the two options present in the wallet to whom they wish to send, the User or Delivery Driver and then choose their respective mobile number or email address and then they need to transfer the money from their wallet to the wallet of the Delivery Driver.
  • This feature will surely be a blessing in disguise for your Customers and Delivery Driver who may be wary of sharing their card details.
voice massage

Manage Notification Sounds and Ringtones

Using this unique feature, you the owner of this expansive DeliveryKing app can manage the notification sounds and respective ringtones of the store, the Driver and the Users respectively.

The notification sounds may include the request sound for the driver and User, notification sound for the Driver including the message and notifications, notification sound for the user including the message and notification, for the store including the message and notification and finally, the VOIP based (voice over internet protocol) call.

All these sounds are already present in the solution itself. However, other sounds may be downloaded from the admin panel.

add items
    KOT Print via Wireless / Bluetooth printer in Android Food Delivery App of Restaurant flow
  • A unique feature to help restaurants efficiently manage the bills and process their orders and have it assigned to delivery drivers. As soon as the restaurant receives a new order from the customer, they shall receive the details of the same on their same. They now would be able to view the details of the same on their app. They now need to tap on KOT Print where KOT means kitchen order ticket and they would get the order printed via a wireless or Bluetooth printer and have it processed and confirmed and then assigned to the delivery drivers.

Favorite Driver

delivery driver favourite delivery driver
  • The User can mark the Driver as favorite from his App. Also, he can remove the Driver from the favorite list anytime.
  • In the case when you get the Delivery done with any Delivery Driver and you want that Driver again, then mark the Driver as Favorite.
  • This feature allows the system to set the Priority in sending the request to all favorite Drivers first whoever is marked as favorite by the User.
  • This way User gets the chance to book the Delivery with any specific Driver.
cargo car
  • Once the Delivery is completed the User will be prompted to rate the Delivery and provide the feedback.
  • Apart from this, the User will get the option to mark the Driver as a favorite so that next time they got the chance to get the Delivery done again with them.

Edit Profile

User can edit their profile
  • The User can Update and Edit their profile whenever they like.
  • The Delivery Driver can update and edit their profile whenever they need to.
Service provider can update their profile

Wallet integration

user and provider manage their wallet user and provider manage their wallet
  • The User and the Delivery Driver will both have an in App wallet.
  • This wallet can be recharged or topped up whenever they want.
  • Users can pay for the Delivery using Wallet.

Manage Documents

Service providers upload ID documents from panel Service providers upload ID documents from panel
    app flow
  • The Delivery Drivers will be able to upload all the documents that are required, such as Driving license, Experience certificate, Vehicle passing etc. from this panel on the app.


add new card add money
  • Users can make Payment using Cash, Card and Wallet.
  • Users & Drivers can manage their Credit Card information through this screen. The card detail is NOT stored in the APP or in the App's database. It's stored in the safe vault of the Payment Gateway Company. We just call the card using token and the secure transaction happens on the App.
  • Users and Drivers can top up their wallet too.

Your Bookings

user app login and registration screen
  • User can view all his past Deliveries and also upcoming Deliveries.
  • Upon taping on the Delivery list, the detail and invoice of past Delivery can be viewed.
  • Driver can view all his past Deliveries and also upcoming Deliveries.
  • Upon taping on date on calendar, Driver will be able to view summary of that day including Total earnings, Average Ratings, Completed Deliveries). And can then tap on any Delivery booking to view it's detail and invoice.
Driver login and registration screen

Heat View Of the Driver App

heat view for taxi and delivery
  • Delivery Drivers will be able to view the Heat Map and identify the areas that are generating maximum requests. This can be helpful so that they too can reach that area in order to pick up more Deliveries.


choose service categories
  • User can view list of Notifications added by the Administrator of the App.

Promo code

choose service categories
  • App Owner can set the Promo Code for Specific Stores or for all Stores. Free Delivery Promo code can be ON/OFF.
  • This section offers users with a coupon that they can apply for the next service that they book and empowers them to choose from any one of them.


user and provider fives feedback to eachother
    app flow
  • The User as well as the Delivery Drivers will be able to provide feedback about their experience with each other. They can give a star rating or write a review.

Advertisement Banners

  • Showcase your offers and promotions on the Home screen of the App. When the users open the App, they can see your advertisement.
  • You can keep advertisement, promotional content and any kind of information that you want to highlight about the App right here.

Invite Friends & Manage Bank Detail

Bank Details invite friends to download app
    app flow
  • Delivery Drivers can upload their bank details from this panel on the App.
  • Users and SDelivery Drivers will also be allowed to invite friends to download and start using the Application.

Earning Statistics

provider monitor earning they have made
    app flow
  • The Delivery Drivers will be able to monitor how much earnings they have made over a stipulated time duration.

Other Information Screens

Information like About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Contact US and FAQ.
    app flow
  • This panel will give you all the other relevant information like About Us, Privacy Policy, Live Chat, Terms and Conditions, Contact US and FAQ.

Facebook & Google Ads integration

Facebook Ads integration
  • Using this feature, the site owner can put the Facebook advertisements in the apps and generate revenue from it.
Google Ads integration
  • Using this feature, the site owner can put the Google Ads in the apps and generate revenue from it.

Contact Us & Help

user app login and registration screen
  • Users and Drivers can contact App Administrator through the Contact Us Page.
  • They can also check the FAQ's for detail.
Driver login and registration screen
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