Fleet Company Panel Visuals
Company Registration
Driver Companies can register on the system and provide the Ride services.

Company Login
Companies can login on the system once their account is approved by the Admin.

Company Profile
This is a panel dedicatedly built for the companies. It is where the company’s profile is visible.

Company Panel Menu
The Companies will be able to see their entire list of menu from here including their Profile, their Drivers, Manual Bookings, Ride Later Bookings, Vehicles and Trips.

This is where the Companies can view the list of their drivers. They can also edit the details of their drivers from here.

Manual Dispatch Panel
This panel will help the companies to accept phone bookings and make manual bookings for their customers.

Ride Later Bookings
This screen will display all the bookings made using the “Ride Later” feature.

View your Vehicles
The Company will be able to view all the vehicles listed under their company here. They can also edit, modify and delete vehicle details.

View Trip Report
This screen will enable the companies to view the report of their trips conducted. They can select the start and the end point for the report they wish to view.