Major Pages
Each website comes with customizable page settings. You can include pages such as About Us, Contact Us, and Promotions and so on and so forth. Take a look at the major pages included within your On Demand Service Provider Website.-
Home Page
Select Your Service
Select Your Language
Select Your Currency
About Us
Contact Us
Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy
Trust, Safety & Insurance
Manage Account
To establish a proper profile setting for your users, we have incorporated the Manage Account page. Here, your Users or even Service Providers can log in, register, create profiles, manage and edit it and so on and so forth. Take a look.-
User Profile
User Jobs
User Wallet
Service Provider Profile
Service Provider - Manage Services
Service Provider Availability
Service Provider Jobs
Service Provider Earnings
Service Provider Wallet
Company Profile
Company - List of Service Providers
Company Jobs
Admin Panel
To manage the entire operations of the app, the key is the Admin Panel. This is the place that will allow you to carry out and make any and all kinds of customizations to the app’s functionality, such as setting an operational radius, fixing your per service commission, setting up geo fences and more. Apart from this, you will also be able to monitor and view the operations app from right here.-
Site Statistics
Admin Groups
Manage Company
Manage Service Providers
Manage Users
Manage Service Category
Manage Service Type
Scheduled Bookings
Manage Promocode
Admin - God's View
Manage job reviews
Payment Report
Geo Fence Locations
General Settings
Manage Country
Billing Panel
To ensure that all the financial functionality of the apps are top notch and go down without any hassles, the billing panel has been made seamless and automated for your convenience. Take a look at exactly how this functions to facilitate your operations.-
Payment Report
Provider Payment Report
Flow of Advance Service Provider On Demand App - SuperX SP
Walkthrough the step by step functioning of the Service Provider App to know how it works on the app of the user as well as of the Service Provider.
- Gone are the days when users would have to download multiple apps for the different services or deliveries that they would be requiring for themselves. But thanks to the On Demand Service Provider App, users can book multiple services like Massage, Beautician, Doctor, etc. for themselves just with the help of a few taps on their device like their smartphone device or iPhone device.
- The functioning of the Service Provider App is simple. The user and the service providers need to login or signup on the app either through one single tap upon selecting the social media profile of their choice which includes Gmail or Facebook or by entering their basic details like name, mobile number, email address, etc or by Fingerprint or Face ID login.
- For the app of the user as soon as the user completes the login they are shown the application menu which contains all the services that are offered to the user on the Service Provider app.
- Users tap on the service that they need from the app which includes beauty services, home cleaning, doctor, dog grooming, etc and upon tapping on the service, they can tap on the subcategories of the service/services that they require. For example, if the user taps on a beauty service, they are provided with a list of subcategories (Eg. Haircut, Make up etc) and the user can thereby select one category or multiple categories that they require from the beautician service.
- The user now gets presented with a list of service providers and they can sort their search based on featured, nearby or rating and the distance of the service provider.
- The user now taps on the service provider of their choice and gets presented with the services that the service provider offers thus empowering them to select one service or multiple services that they require from the service provider along with their gallery and past reviews.
- The user now taps on the service provider of their choice and gets presented with the services that the service provider offers thus empowering them to select one service or multiple services that they require from the service provider along with their gallery and past reviews.
- User selects the service or services that they require from the service provider and then taps on the checkout button which in turn presents them with the booking details containing the details of the service/services, the coupon they can apply for a discount, the mode of payment which they can choose, the booking location and the day when they need the booking, i.e., book now or schedule for later. Users can choose from the following two options while making payment, Wallet, Cash or Card and can choose from two locations, namely, location of user and location of the service provider.
- The service provider receives the request for the service that needs to be provided along with the location where the user wants service and thereby accept or decline the request.
- Upon accepting the request for the service by the service provider, the user receives a notification on their device with ‘Service Provider Accepted Requested’ and can keep track of the service provider and the both can remain connected via VOIP based Call Masking or internet calls and the in-app chat feature.
- As soon as service provider reaches the location of user they tap on ‘Arrived’ in order to enlighten the user about their arrival which in turn gets notified to the user on their app as ‘Service Provider Arrived’ and slide on ‘Start’ to start the service and the user gets notified that the services have started.
- In Case of Video Consultation, Service Provider can Video call User at the Scheduled Time.
- In Case of Bidding the Services, User and Service Provider can bid and make the Counter offer. Once the amount is finalized, Service provider can reach the Job location and can provide the Service.
- As soon as the service gets completed, the service provider will tap on ‘Completed’ to notify the completion of the job which in turn would get sent to the user as ‘Job Completed’.
- Upon the job completed, the app of the service provider gets an invoice summary auto generated containing the details of the service/services along with the mode of payment selected by the user which also gets shared with the user.
- User and the service provider can leave a review for each other with the end of the services and the payment process getting completed with the review in turn containing the details of the experience of the service offered and received.